91. fun with [TOY] snakes

Running tip #91

Don’t forget to have a little fun.  Today is April 1st and I am remembering the time I went out early on the course my training group was planning to run to “plant” a rubber copperhead snake on the trail for an April Fool’s joke.


I am usually in front on these intervals, so on the first loop I casually jumped right over the snake, pretending not to see it … but, Oh!, you should have heard the screams behind me … “Copperhead!!”  “SNAKE!”  “eeeeeeeek!” etc.

Even after I fessed up that it was an April Fool snake (cracking myself up, mostly), on every successive loop thereafter, the rubber snake didn’t fail to startle.

I am coyly smiling as I write this …


To purchase “SCARY!” Large Southern Copperhead [TOY], click HERE.

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