19. Ten buckets a year.

Running tip #19

“How many federal Monday holidays are there per year in the United States?” asks the trivia card from Wits and Wagers.  The answer is ten (T-giving always falls on a Thursday) and 10 is about the number of days in a running year that you will wake up in the morning with a case of what I call “The F_ck-its”/ rhymes with buckets.  On these occasions, it’s best to just stay in bed and accept your cyclical fate.  Don’t run.  Don’t feel guilty.  And don’t worry, because tomorrow is a new day at the start of a new cycle when you will wake up refreshed and ready to run … miraculously cured of the buckets after your holiday off.

(warning … they spelled buckets wrong in this illustration)


p.s. “Bucket” days are not to the same as scheduled days off.  Young runners should plan one day off per week; seasoned or serious runners, once every 21 days.

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