Running tip #2
My go-to mantra as a coach used to be “See it. Say it. Do it.” but I stopped using that one after Nike’s ubiquitous yellow bracelets and their “Just do it” ad campaign ruined it for me. Now I use my artist friend, Lori Vrba‘s, mission statement: “Declare yourself a project” to help move people from notion to action. I love the double entendre of this statement. You are both declaring a project for yourself (as in, I plan to run a marathon when I turn 50) and declaring that you, yourself, are a project/a work in progress (as in, if I’m actually going to run said marathon I’d better get this old body in working order). “Declare yourself a project” has a third meaning for me [is there such a thing as a triple entendre?]. I believe in order to succeed as a runner you must be accountable to at least one other person. You must declare (from the Latin “clarare” – to make clear) your intention OUT LOUD to someone. Anyone. Your training partner, your coach, your friend, your bank teller, the UPS delivery guy … or, in my case, a summer boyfriend who forced me to consider “Why not All-American?” after 3 years of being an also-ran at UNC. “What are you afraid of?” he challenged. I was afraid of saying it out loud, that’s what.
I am STOKED about this blog and humbled to be called out on Day 2 😉
You’re an inspiration and model of excellence for me, my daughter and anybody paying attention. Happy New Year friend!
After only day three of Running Tricks I am hooked as a reader! Maybe reading will be turned into action…a little running that is not on the tennis court couldn’t hurt! East Eagles!
Mo, it’s never too late to become a runner for life!